★★★★1/2 - HiFi Way

27 Club is back for another big Fringe season at the Adelaide Fringe. People might be thinking that they have already seen it but this show has been changed up and flexes even more muscle than last year’s show which was awesome. Plus, how can you go past a line up that boasts the following talent of Australia’s Queen of rock ‘n roll Sarah McLeod, Kevin Mitchell (Jebediah and Bob Evans), the amazing Carla Lippis and Dusty Lee Stephenson with the Wanderers. The 6.30pm time slot is just a perfect start to a night at the Fringe and giving fans to catch another show later or wander around Gluttony.

Sarah McLeod said that the 27 Club is the best show on Earth, which is a big statement but the proof is in the pudding. The 27 Club is a term coined by Kurt Cobain’s mother on hearing of her son’s passing and this ‘club’ of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison, Robert Johnson and Kurt Cobain all died before their twenty eighth birthday, not the club anyone wants to be a part of. Each one of these rockers has a tragic tale and experiencing this show like this gives music fans a chance to keep their legacy and their music alive.

The tragic tales of these legendary performers is just as entertaining as the songs and one hour literally whizzes by. There are so many highlights including Smells Like Teen Spirit (Kevin Mitchell), Roadhouse Blues (Dusty Lee with Kevin on harmonica) and Lithium (Carla) is a brilliant version of the Nirvana classic and is so good it should be commercially released. Even with a broken foot Sarah McLeod powers her way through her songs with highlights being Mercedes Benz and Piece Of My Heart.

There are a few other surprises in store which got the crowd going but you’ll have to go and experience the show yourself to find out.

Fringe Review By Rob Lyon

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★★★★★ - Glam Adelaide


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